Selain Ebook Windows 7, Anda juga dapat mendownload puluhan ebook komputer populer lainnya seperti Website Security, Oracle Magazine, PC Maintenance Handbook, Ebook Photoshop, Windows 7 Tips & Trik dan lain sebagainya.
Majalah ORACLE
Temen-temen yang pernah belajar database tentu tidak asing lagi dengan istilah Oracle. Ya, Oracle adalah salah satu sistem database terkemuka yang konon katanya paling banyak digunakan di dunia industri. Majalah Oracle memuat technology strategy articles, sample code, tips, how to articles untuk Developers dan Database Administrator serta berita terkini lainnya dari Oracle dan partner.
Profit Magazine ini masih satu label dengan Oracle Magazine. Majalah ini berisi tentang rubrik-rubrik seputar bagaimana membangun bisnis di bidang teknologi, memanfaatkan teknologi untuk mencapai keuntungan maksimal, dan topik-topik lain seputar teknologi bisnis.
Exploring 50+ Tips & Tricks with Windows 7
A lot of them have been covered here on Windows 7 Hacker but there are quite a few that we haven’t and will do in the future. It’s also always nice to have a printed copy that we can reference instead of poking around trying to find the trick. The book contains 113 pages of content with 50+ tips and tricks and a lot of screenshots. It contains a compilation of the finest Tips and Tricks for Windows 7 and also contains a bonus section for Windows 7 Applications.
PC Maintenance Guide
The PC Maintenance Guide includes the most essential articles and links into one, easy to use reference - saving you hours of digging through back issues. The guide covers three major categories: Upgrading your system, Tuning up/speeding up your PC and Emergency troubleshooting
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