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How to cheat games in Bluestacks using Cheat Engine

    Do you know that you can cheat almost any games running on Bluestacks without the need to root it? yes, you can. By using a tool called Cheat Engine you can change game's value to meet your need. However, some online games can not be cheated this way because they store data online and not locally. So, lets get started.


Step 1

Download Cheat Engine 6.3 click here

Step 2

Install and Open Cheat Engine

Step 3

Go to Settings

Step 4

Go to Scan Settings and check MEM_MAPPED

Step 5

Go to Debugger Options and choose Use kernelmode debugger

Step 6

Go to Extras and choose Query and Read/Write options

Step 7

- Click OK , close Cheat Engine and Open it again
- Open Process List seek for Physical Memory then click Open

Step 8

- Open a game inside Bluestacks, for example I use Subway Surfer here
- watch the amount of Keys and Coins I have

Step 9

- Now in Cheat Engine, input 24 (Coins) in the search box and Click First Scan
it will found a lot of matching numbers, now go back to bluestacks, play the game again until the amount of Coins is changed from before.
now go back to Cheat Engine and type the new Coins value into the search box, then click Next Scan

somehow, if we still get a lot of matching numbers, repeat the step (Play again and Search Next Scan)
as you see below, we got one matching number of Coins, 
Double Click that number to add it to Address list
Double click the Address calue to open Change Value dialog box, input your desired amount of Coins, for example 9999999 then click OK

2 komentar :

  1. gan...maaf ni ya..tapi tetep aja walau berubah coinya setelah di cheat balik lagi ke coin semula pas belum di cheat.. gimana ya gan..balas

    1. maaf baru sempet bls,, kalo boleh tau agan ngecheat game apa, soalnya gak semua game bisa work,,


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